Quebec TCC

September 26-29
Morgan Arboretum

photo by Julia Marois

Soils for Arborists Workshop

See details for the dates and locations



in the store

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Upcoming exams
Montreal : Fall 2024
Quebec : Winter 2025

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photo by © Can Stock Photo/zagart243


Examinations to become an ISA Certified Arborist

The next certification exams will take place in winter 23-24. In the meantime, you can take your exam quickly by selecting the computer exam. Visit the "Certification" section for more details. (section in french only) or visit the ISA website at

More details

Looking for a career in arboriculture?

Our members are actively recruiting new team members. Are you an arboriculture professional and looking for new challenges? Check out all of our job offers, Whether you are an arborist, a tree worker or a groundsperson, there are great opportunities for a rewarding career, breathing fresh air with folks who are passionate about trees!

See job offers

Société internationale d’arboriculture - Québec inc.

The Société internationale d'arboriculture Québec inc, commonly known as SIAQ, is a group of professionals dedicated to the care and preservation of trees. Our mission is to encourage a greater appreciation of trees, promote research, technology and the professional practice of arboriculture. The SIAQ is a non-profit organization founded in 1977. It is a local chapter of the International Society of Arboriculture, an international organization active in more than 60 countries. Our objectives are to promote and improve the practice of arboriculture through training and information. The general public can therefore find a wealth of information in our pages, more specifically under the heading "About Arboriculture and Tree Care". We wish to promote professional arboriculture by making the general public aware of the importance of hiring a professional for tree care. Arboriculture professionals who are members of SIAQ have access to many resources to help them in their practice.

About us

Find a tree care professional

Whether you're looking for a company to perform tree work or a consultant to provide you with a report, this search engine will help you select a professional serving your region.

trouver un professionnel


"For your safety and the safety of others, there are rules to
follow when you are near a power line. To find out if you are required to hire an arborist authorized by Hydro-Québec,
please answer the following questionnaire. Should the work require the services of a company authorized by Hydro-Quebec, a list of these specific companies will be displayed for your region."

Check if I need to hire an arborist authorized by Hydro-Québec - or -

I have already consulted the website or a Hydro-Qubec representative and I know what type of contrator can do the job.


Vous accédez à la liste des entreprises autorisées par Hydro-Québec

  • NE CHOISISSEZ PAS UN SERVICE – Ce bouton mène déjà à la liste des entreprises autorisées par Hydro-Québec. Si vous faites un autre choix, vous sortirez de la liste.
  • SÉLECTIONNEZ VOTRE RÉGION - Si vous n’obtenez pas de résultat dans votre région, vous devrez rechercher dans les régions à proximité.
  • Si vous ne voyez pas le logo d’Hydro-Québec à côté du nom de l’entreprise, c’est qu’elle n’est pas autorisée à travailler près des fils électriques.